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Petlyakov Pe-2 side view

Petlyakov Pe-2

Petlyakov Pe-2 «1 Blue», 82nd Berlinskiy GvBAP (Guards Bomber Regiment)/1st Gv BAD (Guard Bomber Division); Aspern (Austria), the summer of 1945. The aircraft wears camouflage conforming to the standard of early of 1945Petlyakov Pe-2 «1 Blue», 82nd Berlinskiy GvBAP (Guards Bomber Regiment)/1st Gv BAD (Guard Bomber Division); Aspern (Austria), the summer of 1945. The aircraft wears camouflage conforming to the standard of early of 1945

Putilov Stal’-3 side view

Putilov Stal'-3

Putilov Stal’-3 CCCP-E1202 light passenger aircraft tested by NII GWF

Putilov Stal’-2 on slideshow

Putilov Stal'-2

Putilov Stal’-2 CCCP-H252 of the Soviet Polar Aviation

Mil’ Mi-4M side view

Mil' Mi-4M

«10 Yellow», an early-model Mil’ Mi-4M ASW helicopter with a Koors-M radar of the 830th Helicopter Regiment

Tupolev I-4 side view

Tupolev I-4

Tupolev I-4 «2 Blue» fighter, 1930

Polikarpov R-1 on slideshow

Polikarpov R-1

An Polikarpov R-1 «6 White» of the Engels flying school, 1932
