Author Archive

Mikoyan MiG-3 side view

Mikoyan MiG-3

Mikoyan MiG-3 «8 Red», summer 1941

Polikarpov I-153 side view

Polikarpov I-153

Polikarpov I-153 «13 Blue» of the 55th IAP, summer 1941

Polikarpov I-15bis on slideshow

Polikarpov I-15bis

Polikarpov I-15bis «2 Red» of the 55th IAP, autumn/winter 1939/1940

Polikarpov I-16 type 24 side view

Polikarpov I-16 type 24

Polikarpov I-16 type 24 «6 White». 55th IAP (Fighter Regiment), Beltsy airfield, July 1941

Mikoyan MiG-15 artwork

Mikoyan MiG-15

In the early 1950s jet fighters MiG-15 in 689th GvIAP have come in the stead of old piston fighters P-63 Kingcobra

Mikoyan MiG-19P artwork

Mikoyan MiG-19P

Pair of Mikoyan MiG-19P an interceptor in training flight on the maximum height. 689th GvIAP, airdrome Nivenskoje, the end of 1950th years
